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The human-created world is currently in a meta-state of adaptive survival and compensation, split between the complementarity of force and reward. 

Yet the universality and the movement of love itself is always present. 

Even when we are living ignorant to both its presence and its fullness. 

Everywhere is just love. Love fuels everything.

You don't have to do anything to get this. It’s all always here. 

The Foundations Course is where you begin. 


It offers the framework, the language, the maps and an overview of this entire body of work.

​​"You're gonna walk into this thinking that you already get it and you already know. 


But what I am showing you is a complete shift in orientation of the way reality* actually moves through you.  


And it is not just a rewording. It is not just a different idea or a different view.


It is literally the understanding that most of us are living in an inversion of reality, and that as long as we're living in that inversion and we don't recognize it, we can use all the language we want, and all of the different tools and practices, and it's not going to change the way the fabric of reality is structured."

This Movement offers a reflection of the fabric of reality in the service of freeing bodies back into natural motion. 


And that is not about addictions. 

It's not about systemic oppression. 

It’s not about healing. ​


​It is about the structural form of the way that we interact with and perceive the world around us and the world within us; the mechanics of the implicit rules that drive our life and the way we are living in it—which includes all of those things. ​


Foundations will empower you to understand those mechanics, understand those traps, and to place yourself within relationship with all of life, in a way that enhances and compliments whatever work you are already engaged in.

The first live version of the Foundations Course will run from October 7th to November 21st, 2024.

​There are two main tracks:


Learning Topics will include:


What Addiction Really Is

Remembering the Receiving of Love

Lineage Templates

Making Space Between Survival and Compensation

The Adaptive Body and the Emergent Body

Difference Between Possibility and True Choice

Symptoms as Part of Larger Systems

Mapping the Energetics of a Doublebind

Control and Collapse Map

Movement Patterns of the Primal Body

Power Originates in Creative Life Force

and more...


Learning Topics will include:


Don’t Become the Middleman

Triangulation Within Family Systems

The Power of Innocence

Create Your Own Access to Love

The Journey to Self-Sourcing

Pain as a Dance with Limitation

From Selfhood to Ecosystemic Responsiveness

Repetition Compulsion with Clients

What is at the Base of Oppression

The Erotic, Innocence, and Holding Field of Love

Adaptive Response to Absence 

Transformation within Relationship

and more...

The Foundations Course has weekly self-study modules in a combination of video and audio formats.


 Each track has its own Live Teaching Group meeting weekly over zoom to continue learning and asking questions to clarify the modules.

(​All Teaching calls will be recorded and added to the course replay library.)


The course also includes a dedicated online forum for each track where members engage in community sharing and connection, as well as ask questions.


Tuesdays 4:30pm-6:30pmET (10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/5, 11/12, 11/19)


For those seeking to enhance their experience in all forms of relationship, as well as and including anyone who has struggled with irresolvable forms of mental, physical, and/or spiritual states of challenge, this material not only compliments, but reframes any and all understandings we have of creating resolution. 


The personal track includes learning modules with at least 2hrs of recorded content a week and a weekly 2hr live teaching and group discussion, facilitating a deeper dive into the material. â€‹â€‹â€‹


OF $825

OR $220 x 4



​Thursdays 4:30pm-6:30pmET (10/17, 10/24, 10/31, 11/7, 11/14, 11/21)


For those seeking a beginning understanding of the application of this material professionally, this track of the Foundations course will support, enhance, and deepen however you are currently working with clients. 


The Professional Track includes a weekly 2hr live teaching and group discussion specifically for this cohort and access to all the learning modules of the Personal Track as well as at least an hour a week of additional audio material exploring various topics of professional application.


(The Professional Track of Foundations is an introduction to a longer Practitioner Training, it covers the basics of the model but doesn’t offer a full certification or permission to use this proprietary material with clients. Professional Track participants will receive a discount towards the longer Practitioner Training program which does progress towards certification.)


OF $1375

OR $365 x 4



Mondays 4:00pm-5:45pmET (10/7, 10/14, 10/21, 10/28, 11/4, 11/11)


In addition to participating in one of the tracks above, meet with Bree during one other weekly call time to look at and work on your personal process alongside the learning material in a more intimate environment (capped at 15 people).


ADD $350 




OR 4 PAYMENTS OF $287.50




OR 4 PAYMENTS OF $452.50



For people who want to deep dive into all layers of the Foundations course material and teachings, this final option includes access to all three live weekly calls in the Personal Track, Professional Track, and Process Group, as well as bonus access to the Love in Motion Mediation series with six additional hours of guided practice teachings.



OF $2275

OR $575 x 4


If tuition for Foundations is out of your price range, you can apply for a scholarship here.


We also offer confirmation of attendance letters for situations where participants can seek reimbursement from employers for educational materials. 



*Bree, what do you mean by reality? Isn’t reality just well reality?


Well, my answer is yes and no. Reality, as I’m referring to it here, is the baseline or foundational way that we interact with and perceive the world around us. And the world within us. There are certain unspoken and accepted implicit rules that we rarely question because we don’t see them. They drive our life. They drive our interactions and our view. Many of these are inherited collective or personal belief systems. But then there are the ones that are deeper than just belief systems. They are the mechanics of the way that we operate in the world and the way that the world operates within, through and around us. I have always been interested in what it takes to create evolution and change where things are seemingly fixed. It’s brought me to this place of working with multiple layers of reality and that is a core part of what this model is about.


Will this solve all of my problems?


No, but it will help you view your problems or issues totally differently. And it will restructure the way that you understand the language that is currently used in the old structure.


Is this healing work?


Yes and no. This work has the capacity to cause healing or direct you to where healing might want to happen, but it is way bigger than healing as healing is only part of this process. I like to use the word resolution. And resolution is a multi factorial event and one that happens in connection with other events and time.


Will there be more to come after the Foundations Course?


Yes, there will be many more things for you to do and I am aiming at most of them being part self-study, part practice, part energy transmission, and part interaction with myself or others who are trained in the model.


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